Julie Beckett Therapy

Julie Beckett

ISTDP Psychotherapy

Newquay, Cornwall

07597 776994


In person, and online sessions available.

Thinking about Therapy?

Everyone will experience, at some time in their lives, periods of emotional pain that are difficult to fully understand. This is a result of conflicting powerful feelings that get in the way of a satisfying and pleasurable life.

Often the patterns of difficulty recur over and over, both at home as well as at work, without there being any understanding of what might lie at the heart of the problem.

Coming to therapy offers a safe space in which to explore, understand and accommodate these conflicting feelings. This is done by making links from the situation occurring in the present, to past experiences in life.

Making sense of why we do what we do at an unconscious level, is the first and vital step towards a healthy change in our attitude towards our self. It gives us confidence in who we are, as well as helping us make better informed decisions on our own behalf.

Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) is an evidence-based approach shown to be effective and suitable for a broad range of psychological issues such as anxiety, panic attacks, depression, PTSD, unexplained medical symptoms, as well as personality disorders. Research indicates positive outcomes are long lasting, with improvement continuing after termination.

What to expect

  • A quiet, comfortable and confidential space for you to explore and reflect on your feelings

  • An opportunity for you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and make better informed decisions in life

  • Experience and expertise to build your self-esteem and a sense of fulfilment

I offer an initial 2-3 hour ‘trial’ therapy in which we focus on how best I can help you overcome the main problems you are facing.

The frequency of sessions would be up to you. ISTDP therapists are flexible in their approach so will not expect you to come weekly unless that is something you choose for yourself.

Fees - Please contact me for details.